Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 33

Service to Readers
How a WOMAN'S OWN pattern is born... 
1 Design Conference-Surrounded by sketches, chief dress designer Hermione Bateman (centre) and our Fashion Editor Suzanne Grey get together with the head fashion artist to discuss the basic design and point-by-point details of the new pattern-to-be. 
2 The Cutting-Here the master pattern is being cut out in the pattern modelling department, where a team of checkers work to ensure complete accuracy before the pattern is passed on, after sizing tests, to the multiple cutting room. 
3 Sizing Tests-Each pattern is tried for size on a number of girls, each a different figure type, before the pattern is finally passed. This way we know that it can be satisfactorily adjusted to give you a perfect fit, whatever your height and size may be. 
4 Passing by Panel-At last we see the dress! Now it faces the critical eyes of the panel-Designer, Artist, Fashion Editor -later all the 'backroom girls' of the pattern department who have worked on every stage of its development, will give their opinion. Will this pattern pass? The panel seem to think so! 
'Oh, what a pretty dress!'  
"It's perfect," says model Liz Dukes as the camera clicks on a very pretty picture-and one perfect pattern is won completed.

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